Part II: Master of your mind.

Part II: Master of your mind.

This is a continuation of our multi-part series on the fundamental principals that govern the science of activating our life-force.


The principle of Master of Your Mind is the foundation of spiritual practice, for it is only by mastering the mind that we can transcend the limitations of the ego and access the infinite consciousness that lies within us.
The mind is like a wild horse, running amok and dragging us along with its whims and fancies. It is a restless monkey, jumping from one thought to another and never settling down. It is a turbulent ocean, churning with desires, fears, and attachments. It is the source of our suffering and the barrier to our liberation. But it is also the instrument of our liberation, for it is through the mind that we can realize our true nature and unite with the divine.
To master the mind, we must first understand its nature. The mind is made up of thoughts, emotions, and perceptions, which arise from the conditioning of our past experiences and cultural influences. It is not who we are, but a tool that we can use to navigate the world. The mind can be trained, disciplined, and purified through various spiritual practices, such as meditation, self-inquiry, and service.
Meditation is the most powerful practice for mastering the mind. It involves sitting in stillness and observing the mind without judgment or attachment. Through meditation, we can develop mindfulness, concentration, and insight, which can help us detach from the mind's dramas and access the inner peace and clarity that lie beyond it.
Self-inquiry is another practice for mastering the mind. It involves questioning the beliefs, assumptions, and identities that we have inherited and exploring the deeper truth of our being. Through self-inquiry, we can dismantle the ego and realize the unity of all existence.
Service is a third practice for mastering the mind. It involves offering our talents, resources, and love to others without expecting anything in return. Through service, we can cultivate humility, compassion, and detachment, which can help us transcend the ego and connect with the divine.
To become the master of your mind, you must be willing to commit to a daily practice of meditation, self-inquiry, and service. You must be willing to let go of your attachments, fears, and desires and surrender to the divine will. You must be willing to cultivate virtues such as love, kindness, and forgiveness and live in harmony with all beings.