How it all started.

With the health of our future generations in our hands we realized how vital it is to our personal health and that of our planet that we should practice routines that are in concert with mother nature. When re-evaluating our own skin care, beauty, and wellness regimens we noticed a missing link—where do the ingredients in the products we use come from and how are they sourced?

This questioning led us to explore our own formulations. Along the way we cultivated relationships with farms and labs to develop products that are botanically derived. The Botanyst is our way of sharing small batch, natural, and holistic skin care products that can all be tied back to local farms and growers who supply our ingredients.

Our founder.


My childhood was spent pond-hopping across the Atlantic ocean from the East coast to a small borough outside of London, England.

It was this duality in living that taught me the profound effect of our environment. It's ability to inform and shape every aspect of who we are. Our experiences shaped by place and time, like tiny stitches weaving together that which makes us unique and each somehow the same.

I would spend my summers at my grandparents home immersed in my Indian heritage and a culture that at once seemed foreign and yet the very essence of who I am.

Why The Botanyst

As a researcher and holistic health specialist I began to re-evaluate my wellness and beauty regime on my journey to motherhood.

It was then I understood the true impact of what one puts on and in their body and how it would echo for generations through my children.

I began seeking the missing link in feeling confident about the products I was using - knowing where the ingredients came from and how they were sourced. Thus The Botanyst was born, a wellness company for those that value transparency in beauty formulations.

I am passionate about formulating wellness products that are sustainable and environmentally focused.

My background is in the use of artificial intelligence to measure and identify markers of healthy skin. I led and trained clinical research teams at industry-leading beauty companies on the application of AI for product efficacy testing and claims substantiation.

I am a certified Integrative Nutrition Health coach and lean into holistic living practices as a part of my wellness routine.

Health Rituals + Plant Medicine: An Ode to My Ancestory

I believe that our bioindividual health is closely tied to that of the Earth.  When we are able to work in concert with Mother Nature she wholly supports our health and healing, mentally and physically. 

Nature has a significant place as a healing instrument that needs to be nurtured; and for me serves as an ode to my ancestry and heritage.

I was born on the Spring Equinox where day and night find perfect balance; for which I was named after a flower that poetically blooms at night.  

My childhood was filled with an aromatic bouquet of Indian herbs and spices whose potent powers were divulged as I leaned through my grandparent’s kitchen hole, observing my grandmother cook in their London home.  There was the magical way in which my grandfather would transform our drinking water - filling emerald green, glass vessels to ‘charge’ his water in their sun-drenched conservatory.  My memory is etched with the delight of watching my mother mix her own face masks, detailing each ingredient- the properties of how it will nourish and beautify the skin. 

Through all of this is the echo of deep-rooted health rituals involving plants.  We demonstrate an innate value of what our physical, spiritual, and thinking self deserves through some very simple choices - of what we put in and on our bodies.  

With our beauty options becoming more abundant and varied, the products we use are a matter of choice, and every choice we make gives us the opportunity to voice our level of respect for ourselves and for our planet.  

This is how a beauty ritual composed of intentionally crafted products can embody love and gratitude and even nurture the mind, body, and soul.

Our philosophy.

We believe in delivering the most functional and clean products. Each of our formulations are rooted in holistic medicinal practice; drawing upon the ancient wisdom of plant-based healing to activate and support our body’s own natural regenerative process. We curate our products to focus on high quality, single origin ingredients while supporting regenerative farming, and emphasizing sustainable packaging. Working with nature's restorative powers we believe in consciously connecting with what’s growing around us to treat mind, body and spirit.


The ingredients.

We focus on botanically-derived ingredients. that’s why all of our products are free of any parabens, phthalates, sulfates, preservatives, or synthetic fragrance. We work with growers that are mindful stewards of the land. It is with this type of cooperation that we can deliver traceable ingredients in a transparent ecosystem.

Inspired by the wild of the Pacific Northwest this skincare line is mindfully crafted to tap into powerful plant properties to restore and recharge skin health. Explore our ingredient deck below for a list of skin and mental benefits provided by our products.


Plant science.

  • High-performance botanicals

    We formulate with plant enzymes as a natural and effective method of supporting healthy cellular growth and renewal, all while balancing the skin’s microbiome and improving barrier function. Plant enzymes work to ‘digest’ and dissolve dead skin cells - this process reveals brighter skin and allows the supporting botanical agents to penetrate and perform better.

  • Safe & efficacious

    Sustainably sourced and evaluated for safety and efficacy to ensure high quality performance when it comes to what you put in and on your body. As a part of our safety standards we ensure all products are rigorously tested. By utilizing multiple methods of data analysis we can effectively evaluate product performance as well as ensure compatibility with packaging.

  • In-sync with biology

    Developed and tested by skin scientists, our formulations are rooted in botanical science and designed to work in synergy with your unique biology. We study how ingredients interact in their natural environment as well as within the context of our skin and mental health. This holistic approach means that our products are designed with the concept of root cause in mind.