Part III: Ocean of consciousness.

Part III: Ocean of consciousness.

This is a continuation of our multi-part series on the fundamental principals that govern the science of activating our life-force.


Part III: Ocean of Consciousness
The Ocean of Consciousness is a concept that has been used in various spiritual traditions to describe the infinite, formless, and eternal field of awareness that underlies all creation. It is the source of all existence and the destination of all seekers of truth and enlightenment. The Ocean of Consciousness is not a metaphorical or mystical abstraction but a direct experience that can be accessed through spiritual practices such as meditation, self-inquiry, and service.
In the framework of a modern spiritualist the Ocean of Consciousness can be understood as the ultimate source of resilience, creativity, and purpose.  In Nassim Taleb's Anti-fragile: Things that gain from disorder, he explores the concept that an anti-fragile mindset is one that is not just resilient to stress and adversity but also benefits from them, becoming stronger and more adaptable in the face of challenges.  This framework allows one to develop a mindset which thrives with nonpredictive decision-making, facing uncertainty with systems and process.  How many of us develop, or even strive to embody this mindset? 
Today's world is rife with instances of us over-fragilizing every aspect of our life.  We spend so much time worrying about fine-tuning our understanding of the mundane and ordinary.  Underestimating randomness and trying to massage history into a liner and smooth trajectory makes fools of us all.   Back to our topic at hand-  how does this fit into a modern spiritual framework?  We contend that The Ocean of Consciousness is the ultimate source of anti-fragility, for it is the field of infinite potential and possibility that can transform any experience into an opportunity for growth and evolution.
To develop an anti-fragile mindset, one can use various practices that align with the principles of the Ocean of Consciousness. These practices include:
  1. Mindfulness: Mindfulness is the practice of paying attention to the present moment without judgment or attachment. It can help us become aware of our thoughts, emotions, and sensations and develop a non-reactive attitude towards them. Through mindfulness, we can cultivate the qualities of awareness, equanimity, and compassion, which can help us navigate stress and uncertainty with greater ease and resilience.

  2. Self-Inquiry: Self-inquiry is the practice of questioning the beliefs, assumptions, and identities that we have inherited and exploring the deeper truth of our being. It can help us transcend the limitations of the ego and access the Ocean of Consciousness within us. Through self-inquiry, we can cultivate the qualities of authenticity, clarity, and purpose, which can help us align with our true nature and overcome any obstacle that comes our way.

  3. Service: Service is the practice of offering our talents, resources, and love to others without expecting anything in return. It can help us connect with the Ocean of Consciousness that permeates all beings and cultivate the qualities of generosity, kindness, and gratitude. Through service, we can expand our sense of self and purpose and overcome any sense of isolation or disconnection that may arise.  Let me elaborate, service does not mean forgoing access to upside.  In fact, contrary to that- it is when anti-fragility in the construct of the Ocean of Consciousness can one truly gain upside and a great deal of satisfaction from that as well.  

To live happily in a world one doesn't understand.  Much like Mother Nature to become an expert at rare events, where simple is more sophisticated.  There is so much strength to be found in the process of relinquishing the need for knowing, the need for control.  Diving into the Ocean of Consciousness allows us to become intellectually fearless working towards the embodiment of a soul practitioner.