Alchemize with the elements.

Alchemize with the elements.

As we journey into the spring season here at The Botanyst we look out amongst the frosty expanse of the high desert, yes, it is April and still snowing here!  Nestled amongst the Cascade mountain range of the Pacific Northwest, spring marks a shift of our inner rhythms of house and home – of mind, body and spirit and a recommencement of outward ventures.  The spring renewal is a welcome anticipation of warmer sunny days.   It is an opportunity to regenerate and tend to the gardens within and without, stoking the fires of blooming resolve. In these green spaces of renewal we can begin to clear the clutter and foster intention of wellbeing for the new cycles ahead. 

The Botanyst invites you to join us as we cleanse out the toxins, the habits, and the stress that disconnect us from our inherent vitality.  We want to reconnect you to the territory of your skin, the largest organ of the human body1.  The skin is our first layer of protection from infection, dehydration, and foreign invaders.3

Within the skin there are streams of communication that interact with cells of the nervous, immune, endocrine, circulatory systems throughout the body3.  Our skin is designed to reflect our internal environment, which is why stressors of all types can alter the tone, texture and contour of our skin. Imbalances from synthetic chemicals can result in inflammation and an activation of the immune response that can lead to a variety of chronic and acute health issues1.  

Skin care is the medium to understanding the innate intelligence of our whole body system.   

At The Botanyst we are inspired by the co-creative relationship of human and ecosystem as well as the ancient practice of plant-based medicine.  In cooperation with the unique landscape of the human body our formulations harness phytochemical technology that integrate into the skin, as well as the other systems throughout the body.  Nurturing this interconnection of beauty and vigor is at the foundation of our plant-based products.  We value ingredients whose compounds are nutrient dense and bioavailable in their natural setting, as these properties promote regenerative growth and strength for the plant and for our skin as well4.

In this we value the importance of sourcing plants from growers who have a regenerative relationship with the land.  Farmers who unify the microbiology, phytology and light energy of the land efficiently to increase the vitality of life within the whole system5.  We source plants that grow in bio-diverse and abundant soils, increasing their resilience to disease and ability to adapt to harmful toxins and stress5.  This efficacy translates to the natural terrain and diversity of the skin's microbiome. The botanically derived ingredients in our products reinforce cellular connection, and enhance the production of vitamins and hormones that support our skin and overall health2

And so in this season of renewal we set the intention at the Botanyst to tune into our own sources of vibrancy and ease.  In the nature of our skin care products and mother earth’s design we burgeon forward into this new season of cultivating harmony within our mind, body and spirit.   We are grateful you have joined us. 





1Harvard Medical School.(2023). Skin and Hair. Harvard Health Publishing.
2 ION. (2023). Science that reflects natures wisdom. Intelligence of Nature Inc. 
3Yosef, H., Alhajj, M. Sharma, S. (2022). Anatomy, Skin (Integument), Epidermis. National Library of Medicine.
4Kamatou, G., Vijoen, A. (2008) Linalool – A Review of a Biologically Active Compound of Commercial Importance. Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tshwane University of Technology. 
5Bush, Zach. (2023). Regenerative Agriculture: A New Movement on the Rise. Farmers Footprint.